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Predictive Medicine Evolution
Predictive Medicine Evolution
  • Баранова В.С.
  • Predictive Medicine Evolution

    В сравнение
    2 500p
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    A new approach to understanding hereditary and multifactorial/common diseases, based on the integration of the results of a comprehensive study of their pathogenomics with the use of mathematical and bioinformatical analyzes, made it possible to revise the initial provisions of predictive medicine in accordance with the rules of modern “exact medicine”. The publication consists of two parts. The first part presents the history of predictive medicine, its evolution, progress in the study of the human genome and multifactorial diseases, the phenomenon of “disappearing heritability”, and predictive genetic testing, in the second — the contribution of predictive medicine to pathogenomics of multifactorial diseases. The book is intended for molecular geneticists, obstetricians-gynecologists, preventive medicine and reproductive specialists, students of medical institutes and biological faculties of universities, and will also be of interest to a wide range of readers interested in the secrets of the genome and its significance for maintaining health and active longevity.

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